i have 12 almost ripe they will not be picked untill ready to ship HUGE yellow Butch t's they MIGHT fit in a SFRB if not i will do my best to get them all in there lol if theirs more room i will top off with Bengel Nagas
Bidding starts at $18.00, up bid in dollar increments only.
Auction starts NOW and Auction ends 11PM(est) tues and the box will be mailed out first thing wed morning.
US (CONUS) bids only please. Payment via PayPal. Shipping is included with the bid price.
Winner PM me with shipping info and payment instructions.
Have fun.
pods on plant

pod porn

Bengel Nagas

THIS is not a drama topic if you don't like what i have posted keep your mouth shut!!!
Bidding starts at $18.00, up bid in dollar increments only.
Auction starts NOW and Auction ends 11PM(est) tues and the box will be mailed out first thing wed morning.
US (CONUS) bids only please. Payment via PayPal. Shipping is included with the bid price.
Winner PM me with shipping info and payment instructions.
Have fun.
pods on plant

pod porn

Bengel Nagas

THIS is not a drama topic if you don't like what i have posted keep your mouth shut!!!